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ProPASS in a nutshell

To date, ProPASS includes cohorts, from 24 countries, including data from
200,000 participants
*Cohorts are at varying stages of integration

Harmonisation of 24-hour thigh and wrist-worn wearables

Transition to device-based phys ical activity guidelines

Secured remote data access and analysis via DataSHIELD

Partnership between and ISPAH
ProPASS has partnered with the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) to address critical gaps in the evidence base for global and national guideline development for physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Click here to read more.

ProPASS Publications
ProPASS Early Career Researcher Awardees
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Early Career Researcher Awards of ProPASS consortium. The awardees are joining ProPASS as collaborators.
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